Sonar Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
- Sonar (Dirk Ivens & Eric van Wonterghem)
- Sonar (post-minimal rock quartet Switzerland)
- Sonar (Belgian techno producer Frédéric De Backer)
- Sonar (Hungarian band playing psychedelic rock music.)
- Sonar (Polish pop)
- Sonar (chillout)
- Soñar (US noise band)
- Sonar (Italian acid house duo Dino Lenny & Martinez)
- Sonar (dnb)
- Sonar (Dutch rock band)
- Sonar (french producer)
- Sonar (Henrik Rahbek)
- Sonar (trance duo Jan & Sven Hoppe)
- sonar (Digital Artist)
- Sonar (Trio from Dubai)
- Sonar (Singer from Norway)
- Sonar (trance act John Niotakis)
- show 14 more
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45 people have seen Sonar live.
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