Suzanne Ciani Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Suzanne Ciani at Union Chapel, London, England
- Improvisation on a Buchla 200e (playback)
Suzanne Ciani at Magyar Zene Háza, Budapest, Hungary
Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 9:35 PM – 10:35 PM
- Concert recording (Tomorrow Festival, Shenzhen, China, 2024.05.24.)
Suzanne Ciani at Igreja de St. George, Lisbon, Portugal
Doors: 9:00 PMStart: 10:00 PM
Suzanne Ciani at William Randolph Hearst Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA, USA
Doors: 5:30 PMShow: 7:15 PM – 7:40 PM
Suzanne Ciani at Noise Pop Music and Arts Festival 2024
Doors: 7:15 PMShow: 9:15 PM – 10:10 PM
Suzanne Ciani
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