The Bleeding Obvious Setlists

Nov 10 2021

The Bleeding Obvious at The Two Brewers, London, England

  1. Labels
  2. Over The Top
  3. Acceptance
  4. Gender Babylon
  5. Wallflower
  6. Bittersweet Goodbye
  7. Five Years (Moving On)
  8. One Girl Girl
  9. Superglue
  10. Kid, Don't Burn Your Bridges
  11. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  12. Colours With Pride
  13. ...
Sep 4 2021

The Bleeding Obvious at Private Venue, Thame, England

  1. Labels
  2. Outside Inside
  3. Gender Babylon
  4. Acceptance
  5. Wallflower
  6. Bittersweet Goodbye
  7. Loose Lips Sink Ships
  8. One Girl Girl
  9. Colours With Pride
  10. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  11. One Foot In Front Of The Other
Sep 2 2021
Aug 14 2021

The Bleeding Obvious at Clarence Park, Wakefield, England

  1. Cold Comfort-XXY-Sailing Alone
  2. Labels
  3. Acceptance
  4. Outside Inside
  5. Bittersweet Goodbye
  6. One Girl Girl
  7. Superglue
  8. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  9. Colours With Pride
  10. Use Your Imagination
  11. One Foot In Front Of The Other
Jun 19 2021

The Bleeding Obvious at Wharf Chambers, Leeds, England

  1. Anything, Me / Labels
  2. Over The Top
  3. Acceptance
  4. Not Dead Yet
  5. Wallflower / Spectrum
  6. Bittersweet Goodbye
  7. Five Years (Moving On)
  8. One Girl Girl
  9. Colours With Pride
  10. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  11. One Foot In Front Of The Other
  12. Jaja Ding Dong
  13. ...
Jan 22 2021

The Bleeding Obvious at Wharf Chambers, Leeds, England

  1. Labels
  2. Over The Top
  3. Acceptance
  4. Not Dead Yet
  5. Wallflower
  6. Bittersweet Goodbye
  7. Five Years (Moving On)
  8. One Girl Girl
  9. Colours With Pride
  10. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  11. One Foot In Front Of The Other
Mar 5 2020

The Bleeding Obvious at The Globe, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

  1. Me Myself and I
  2. Labels
  3. Acceptance
  4. Gender Babylon
  5. Not Dead Yet
  6. Wallflower
  7. Bittersweet Goodbye
  8. Five Years (Moving On)
  9. The Prodigal Daughter
  10. Can't Dance, Don't Care
  11. Use Your Imagination
  12. One Girl Girl
  13. ...
The Bleeding Obvious setlists

The Bleeding Obvious

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Last updated: 17 Jan 2025, 21:00 UTC

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