Tide Lines Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Tide Lines at Union Chapel, London, England
Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 8:05 PM – 10:30 PM
- Prelude
- Fortunes of the Fearless
- Innocent and Beautiful
- Running at the Dark
- Hardly Surprising
- Cherry Blossom Sunset
- Bring the Summer
- Pìob Mhòr
- Rivers in the Light
- Walking on the Waves
- These Days
- Wreck of a Ship
- ...
Tide Lines at St George's Bristol, Bristol, England
- Fortunes of the Fearless
- Innocent and Beautiful
- Running at the Dark
- Hardly Surprising
- Cherry Blossom Sunset
- Bring the Summer
- Instrumental
- Rivers in the Light
- Walking on the Waves
- These Days
- Wreck of a Ship
- Heroes
- ...
Tide Lines at Heartland Festival 2024
Scheduled start: 7:45 PM
Tide Lines at Barrowland, Glasgow, Scotland
- Heroes
- Small Town Living
- Running at the Dark
- Rivers in the Light
- Walking on the Waves
- Innocent and Beautiful
- Canan nan Gaidheal
- Shadow to the Light
- Bagpipe Solo
- Bring the Summer
- Since I Left This Town
- Homeward Bound
- ...
Tide Lines
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