Tymo Setlists

Jul 20 2024

Tymo at The Dive Bar, Edmonton, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. The Art Of A Maniac
  6. A Lesson In Violence
  7. Arnold
  8. Potato Tornado
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. Killer Krom
  11. The Roy Parsons Project
  12. Mars Attacks!
  13. ...
Jun 7 2024

Tymo at Agriplex Arena, Millet, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. The Art Of A Maniac
  6. Alcoholocaust
  7. War Beneath The Skull
  8. Killer Krom
  9. The Roy Parsons Project
  10. Mars Attacks!
Apr 11 2024
May 19 2023

Tymo at Rendevous Pub, Edmonton, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. Killer Krom
  6. The Roy Parsons Project
  7. War Beneath The Skull
  8. The Art Of A Maniac
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. Mars Attacks!
Apr 1 2023

Tymo at The Vat Pub, Red Deer, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. Killer Krom
  6. The Roy Parsons Project
  7. War Beneath The Skull
  8. The Art Of A Maniac
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. Mars Attacks!
Oct 28 2022

Tymo at Vern's, Calgary, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. The Roy Parsons Project
  6. Killer Krom
  7. War Beneath The Skull
  8. The Art Of A Maniac
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. Mars Attacks!
Oct 21 2022

Tymo at Rendevous Pub, Edmonton, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Age Of Deception
  4. Estrogenocide
  5. The Roy Parsons Project
  6. Killer Krom
  7. War Beneath The Skull
  8. The Art Of A Maniac
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. Mars Attacks!
May 14 2022

Tymo at Rendevous Pub, Edmonton, AB, Canada

  1. Tymonicide
  2. Sanity Clause
  3. Killer Krom
  4. Age Of Deception
  5. Estrogenocide
  6. Evolved From You
  7. We The Pawns
  8. The Roy Parsons Project
  9. Alcoholocaust
  10. War Beneath The Skull
  11. The Art Of A Maniac
  12. Mars Attacks!
  13. ...
Tymo setlists


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Last updated: 2 Nov 2024, 04:24 Etc/UTC


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Last updated: 2 Nov 2024, 04:24 Etc/UTC

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Last updated: 2 Nov 2024, 04:24 Etc/UTC

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