Yellowjackets Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Yellowjackets at The Jazz Kitchen, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Show: 9:30 PM – 10:55 PM
- An Informed Decision
- Fran’s Scene
- Statue of Liberty
- Parallel Motion
- Onyx Manor
- Greenhouse
- Freda
- Intrigue
Yellowjackets at Birdland, New York, NY, USA
Doors: 9:00 PMShow: 9:40 PM – 10:55 PM
- Man Facing North
- Inevitable Outcome
- Statue of Liberty
- Parallel Motion
- Greenhouse
- Stick-to-it-ive-ness
- Even Song
- Mofongo
Yellowjackets at Les Athénéennes 2024
Show: 9:35 PM – 10:50 PM
Yellowjackets at Porgy & Bess, Vienna, Austria
- Father Time
- Inevitable Outcome
- Like Elvin
- Il mio amico
- Intrigue
- Tenacity
- Onyx Manor
- Civil World
- tbc
- Downtown
- tbc
Yellowjackets at LantarenVenster, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Show: 8:30 PM – 10:05 PM
- An Informed Decision
- Dewey (For Miles)
- Like Elvin
- Parallel Motion
- Intrigued
- Geraldine
- Mofongo
Yellowjackets at Irvine Barclay Theatre, Irvine, CA, USA
- Spirit of the West
- The Red Sea
- Tenacity
- Unknown Dave Alderson
- Challinging Time
- Intrigue
- Geraldine
Yellowjackets at Hot Jazz Club, Münster, Germany
Show: 8:00 PM – 10:05 PM
- Spirit of the West
- The Red Sea
- Monk's Habit
- Il mio amico
- Intrigue
- Swing With It
- Fran’s Scene
- Parallel Motion
- Onyx Manor
- Mofongo
- Revelation
Yellowjackets at Yoshi's Oakland, Oakland, CA, USA
Scheduled start: 10:00 PM
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