Show all 169 Nine Inch Nails songs
- 1 Ghosts I (12)
- 1,000,000 (210)
- 10 Ghosts II (1)
- 14 Ghosts II (7)
- 17 Ghosts II (16)
- 19 Ghosts III (57)
- 21 Ghosts III (17)
- 25 Ghosts III (13)
- 28 Ghosts IV (11)
- 31 Ghosts IV (59)
- 32 Ghosts IV (2)
- 5 Ghosts I (29)
- 6 Ghosts I (7)
- 8 Ghosts I (2)
- A Drowning (1)
- A Strange Kind of Love (2)
- A Warm Place (42)
- African Student Movement (2)
- Ahead of Ourselves (46)
- All the Love in the World (21)
- All Time Low (51)
- And All That Could Have Been (14)
- Animal (3)
- Anthrax (1)
- Atmosphere (4)
- Banged and Blown Through (8)
- BBB (5)
- Beat My Guest (2)
- Beside You in Time (77)
- Big Man With a Gun (41)
- Black Noise (34)
- Branches/Bones (25)
- Burn (404)
- Burning Bright (Field on Fire) (25)
- Came Back Haunted (102)
- Capital G (10)
- Cars (3)
- Closer (655)
- Complication (44)
- Copy of A (171)
- Corona Radiata (3)
- Dead Souls (214)
- Dear World, (4)
- Deep (26)
- Digital (6)
- Disappointed (96)
- Discipline (106)
- Down in It (420)
- Down in the Park (4)
- Echoplex (99)
- Eraser (300)
- Even Deeper (141)
- Every Day Is Exactly the Same (40)
- Everything (5)
- Fashion (6)
- Final Solution (8)
- Find My Way (105)
- Gave Up (704)
- Get Down, Make Love (243)
- Getting Smaller (19)
- God Break Down the Door (51)
- God Given (42)
- Gone, Still (32)
- Greensleeves (1)
- Hand Covers Bruise (16)
- Happiness in Slavery (147)
- Head Down (80)
- Head Like a Hole (965)
- Help Me I Am in Hell (153)
- Heresy (92)
- Hey Man Nice Shot (1)
- Home (68)
- Hurt (728)
- I Can't Give Everything Away (14)
- I Die: You Die (2)
- I Do Not Want This (80)
- I Would for You (6)
- I'm Afraid of Americans (82)
- Ice Age (6)
- In This Twilight (73)
- In Two (12)
- Into the Void (81)
- Just Like You Imagined (22)
- Kick in the Eye (2)
- Kinda I Want To (6)
- La Mer (176)
- Last (62)
- Less Than (61)
- Letting You (118)
- Lights in the Sky (9)
- List of Demands (Reparations) (2)
- Love Is Not Enough (90)
- March of the Pigs (825)
- Maybe Just Once (8)
- Me, I'm Not (121)
- Meet Your Master (9)
- Metal (46)
- Mr. Self Destruct (188)
- No, You Don't (90)
- Non-Entity (71)
- Not So Pretty Now (4)
- Now I'm Nothing (45)
- On the Wing (2)
- Only (293)
- Over and Out (16)
- Parasite (7)
- Physical (You're So) (58)
- Piggy (503)
- Please (15)
- R.S.V.P. (3)
- Red Scab (2)
- Reptile (407)
- Right Where It Belongs (68)
- Ringfinger (150)
- Ruiner (83)
- Running (31)
- Sanctified (288)
- Satellite (15)
- She's Gone Away (1)
- Shit Mirror (50)
- Sin (513)
- Something I Can Never Have (350)
- Somewhat Damaged (191)
- Starfuckers, Inc. (153)
- Subterraneans (6)
- Suck (483)
- Sunspots (3)
- Survivalism (321)
- Terrible Lie (735)
- That's What I Get (139)
- The Background World (12)
- The Beautiful People (1)
- The Becoming (93)
- The Beginning of the End (108)
- The Big Come Down (173)
- The Collector (37)
- The Day the World Went Away (211)
- The Downward Spiral (119)
- The Fragile (60)
- The Frail (391)
- The Good Soldier (94)
- The Great Below (60)
- The Great Destroyer (142)
- The Greater Good (56)
- The Hand That Feeds (561)
- The Line Begins to Blur (151)
- The Loop Closes (1)
- The Lovers (61)
- The Mark Has Been Made (44)
- The Only Time (183)
- The Perfect Drug (36)
- The Warning (76)
- The Way Out Is Through (58)
- The Wretched (336)
- This Isn't the Place (23)
- Tough (3)
- Various Methods of Escape (20)
- Vessel (39)
- We Take Mystery (to Bed) (2)
- We're in This Together (5)
- Welcome Oblivion (2)
- What If We Could? (7)
- While I'm Still Here (34)
- Wise Up! Sucker (3)
- Wish (865)
- With Teeth (49)
- You Know What You Are? (148)
Wise Up! Sucker performed by Nine Inch Nails
- Original Artist Pop Will Eat Itself
- From the release This Is the Day… This Is the Hour… This Is This! (Album)
- Total Plays 3 times by Nine Inch Nails
- 124 times by 3 artists
- First Played in Concert August 30, 1996 at Jimmy's, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Most Recently Played September 8, 1996 at Heaven @ The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA