Wheels performed by Shinedown
- Original Artist Foo Fighters
- From the release Greatest Hits (Compilation)
- Total Plays 25 times by Shinedown
- 370 times by 23 artists
- First Played in Concert April 1, 2022 at Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA, USA
- Most Recently Played August 28, 2022 at Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville, TN, USA
Plays by Other Artists
- UK Foo Fighters 157 times
- Foo Fighters 117 times
- Foo Fighters GB 31 times
- De Boertjes van Buuten 8 times
- Brian Eldridge 7 times
- Dave Grohl 3 times
- Faux Fighters UK 3 times
- Wine Moms 3 times
- Carl Lindquist 2 times
- KNEUS 2 times
- Amber Light Choices 1 time
- Back & Forth 1 time
- Best of Foo 1 time
- Christopher Lewis 1 time
- Day Breeze 1 time
- F4 1 time
- Faux Fighters 1 time
- Foo Riders 1 time
- Foojammers 1 time
- Fore fighters 1 time
- Not Penny's Boat 1 time
- The 4onthefloor 1 time