
Jellopants's user profile image



Member since June 17, 2022
Last seen September 4, 2023
Edits so far 6
Edits last month 0


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Not sure what’s going on is the first time I got to edit it at set list I was trying to change it from Bruce playing and also adding John Bon Jovi I was not trying to remove anything I just wanted to add his name because they basically did the McCartney line in Harrison parts on the song and then jammed on even after that so not sure what happen with the editing again I just wanted to add Jon Bon Jovi to the song as obviously through them are playing guitar pretty hard not to pay attention when I was literally standing in front of the stage

Please beware of changing anything without thinking.
I suppose you didn't attend the soundcheck for VIP, otherwise you would not have edited this one

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Jellopants saw one artist.