JulianNuss's setlist.fm

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Name Julian Nuss

I'm a fifty something who likes all kinds of music and who sometimes bangs out songs on guitar with my friends and brothers. I'm a self described music geek who is obsessed with the production and creation of music.


Member since September 26, 2019
Last seen March 9, 2024
Edits so far 37
Edits last month 0


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Hi, I'm creating a database of the all starr of Ringo and I saw you were at the 
21.8.1992 Freedom Hall, Louisville Do you remember the exact setlist and if Joe Walsh played Life’s Been Good instead of Rocky Mountain Way ? A report from a newspaper said so (https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/110691992/?terms=Ringo%2Bstarr) but he never performed this song during this tour

By the way, do you have any recording of the show ?
Thanks a lot !