
Nicktendo69Lmao's user profile image



Name: Nick
Age: 17
From: Toowoomba, QLD, Australia


Member since July 8, 2021
Last seen April 3, 2024
Edits so far 893
Edits last month 0


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please dont add hto water just because theres a picture of flute.... theres more songs than hot water with flute

Hi nick
Have I seen you in toowoomba?

No worries. we just try to keep the website functional. Sometimes its hard for new Users to understand that nothing we Moderators do is 'personal'. As long as you respond to requests for explanations etc you probably won't have any problems here even if you blow of steam once in a while.

Thanks for getting back to me about that. You can edit now. I don't like to revoke editing privileges for new Users who are making 'mistakes' that are correct but don't conform yo our Guidelines but it was too time consuming for me to keep up. Some legit edits that you made may have been reverted so feel free to restore them if you get a chance.

Keeping up with your edits is too difficult. Let me know when you understand that we don't want these comments in the body of setlists and I will restore your editing privileges.

Please stop putting "first appearance in city" into setlists. If for some strange reason you think this is relevant you can put it into the comment section. It isn't important.

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