
PyroMessiah86's user profile image



Member since November 13, 2022
Last seen November 3, 2023
Edits so far 23
Edits last month 0


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Be careful,
You must enter
Animal (Fuck Like a Beast) @Info[Partial]
in text field, not line by line

It's very simple : Next to Animal, you add @Info[Partial] and not @Info[(Partial)].
() are automatically entered.

No, you can't add (partial) for Animal automatically for this whole tour.
The only way is to add individually for every date.

ok cool, I already fixed the double brackets :-)

Be careful, please enter
not @Info[(Partial)]
Thank you

Because you are not respected the guidelines.
You have right, Animal is partially played but you can't modify like this.

User charts

PyroMessiah86 saw 7 different artists.