Woiciechowski's setlist.fm

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Member since October 21, 2018
Last seen October 21, 2018
Edits so far 0
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First time attending a BJC show without the floor GA tickets due to family circumstances. I sat on the bleachers
...I DO NOT RECOMMEND...to ever do that!!! If you are a true veteran or a concert junkie the floor is ALWAYS the way to go. Spend that extra 20 bucks you re already putting in over 100 into a ticket anyway...probably. There is a HUGE difference and you WILL not get a full experience of the venue you were waiting for so long...in my case it was Metallica. The bleachers were SO bad that, older people behind you would make you sit back down after every 2p seconds of you fist pumping and throwing shockers up with both hands. The acoustic is fucking terrible!!! And yoi find yourself alone screaming a top of your lungs or cheering on a musicians performance...

Second. They have this stupid policy now that if you have a ticket and say you got there when the doors opened you will be inside until it lets out. There is no re entry policy. Which is easy to counter. Just either play dumb and say nobody warned you on the way out and that last time you were there was over 5 years ago. Another counter is the price of the ticket to the event!!! Also refusing attendance due to a stupid policy could result in a price dispute over property that doesnt even belong to the establishment. 0 smoking tobacco policy on the grounds....yes that includes the parking lot!!! No alcoholic beverages served because it was an all ages event....really?

All in all, even though I feel like I have witnessed something amazing I dont think I got my money s worth!!! I also dont think i will ever come back to an event organized by BJC inside the arena ever again!!! Pathetic!!!

User charts

Woiciechowski saw one artist.

1 Metallica 1