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Member since October 6, 2017
Last seen February 17, 2024
Edits so far 88
Edits last month 0


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Hi. That's fabulous - great sound quality. Many thanks ! Always nice to hear a show you attended. Know where to look on the webs for other GOR shows ? Only ones I found were Santa Cruz '86 and SF '85. Any tips appreciated. Thanks again. Simon.

Hi. Very kind of you to share GOR '87 tape.I have a Mega acct. but never used it. Point me in the right direction & I'm sure I could figure it out though. Or CD would be great, whichever's easiest for you (I'll pay postage of course). Many thanks. Simon Richards.


When adding songs please tick "Use's autocorrection to resolve typos, missing covers etc. (recommended)" so the songs get normally correctly written and assigned to the correct cover. Your 3 edits for Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians and Green On Red had a lot of small errors which could be avoided using this option.

Hi Craigie. Any chance of a copy of the Green On Red March 27 1987 International tape ?