lening9's setlist.fm

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Member since December 16, 2011
Last seen December 11, 2024
Edits so far 4728
Edits last month 4


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Hi, thx again for the KIT setlist edits. Can you tell me what song Penetrator is on the Bengal Tigers setlist. Cannot find any information about this song. Have you seen the setlist on stage?

Are we adding the KIT setlists again today? :D

Thank you for the additions and the corrections on my KIT Rising Setlists! I really appreciate it!

Hi, lening9!

I have noticed that you have been at the Download Festival '06 (June 11, 2006). Do you by any chance have any recordings from The Prodigy's performance? I'm looking for a recording of 'Heatwave'. If you have it, could you please send it to canyonhill@yandex.ru? Thanks!

Canyon Hill

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