500 Cafe Dallas Concert Setlists

2 users have been to shows at this venue.
City Dallas, TX, United States

408 Exposition Avenue
Dallas, TX 75226

Closed 11 November 1988

Became the Exposition Street Theater in December 1986. The name 500 Cafe continued to be used in advertising after the name was changed.

Jul 15 1988

Edie Brickell & New Bohemians at 500 Cafe, Dallas, TX, USA

  1. Beat the Time
  2. Jamaican Lady
  3. From the Other Side of Town
  4. All Ties
  5. The Wheel
  6. Don't Sweat It
  7. Love Like We Do
  8. She
  9. I Spy
  10. I'm Lost
  11. Wasteaway
  12. Dog (Stop Screaming)
  13. ...
Apr 8 1988
Nov 7 1987

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