60ft Dolls Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
60ft Dolls at Alleycat, Reading, England
- New Loafers
- Killer Inside
- Talk to Me
- Summer's Gone
- Hair
- Baby Says Yeah
- The Biggest Kick
- Alison's Room
- Spanish
- No.1 Pure Alcohol
60ft Dolls
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114 people have seen 60ft Dolls live.
Shoebox1976uk pajo88 largerox O-G-W Rumpeller guthrie79uk Nickthestone Themaincobbler Steve23 MarkChamberlain jmdt83 fishus101 nevtabb Jishkc jcowx lwed Tonito chrismerrick68 gammon99 swodder hazycloudsong SmithardSteve Juanjo33 RedArmy77 manicmig Crawman Keenomanjaro Wiggy71 Gedgefan ChrisOfTheWeek SFA_OK Gjddjd71 Huwernie Phantar sadrian9 EverlastingJSR Arfhound caseyjacks SomePig Johnnyturnon lamanocornuda SaintHuck sic1314 pubcarparkninja Ktbob Bigklp tirsuk corvoshock MutinyInHeaven blackdeathcrew
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