Immortal Guardian Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Immortal Guardian at Warehouse Live Midtown, Houston, TX, USA
Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 7:00 PM – 7:35 PM
- Goodbye to Farewells
- Perfect Person
- Echoes
- Ozona
- Aeolian
- Roots Run Deep
Immortal Guardian at The Forge, Joliet, IL, USA
- Goodbye to Farewells
- Perfect Person
- Echoes
- Ozona
- Aeolian
- Roots Run Deep
Immortal Guardian at The Token Lounge, Westland, MI, USA
Show: 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM
- Goodbye to Farewells
- Perfect Person
- Echoes
- Ozona
- Aeolian
- Roots Run Deep
Immortal Guardian at Ground Control, Toronto, ON, Canada
Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:35 PM – 8:05 PM
- Goodbye to Farewells
- Perfect Person
- Echoes
- Ozona
- Aeolian
- Roots Run Deep
Immortal Guardian at Reverb, Reading, PA, USA
Scheduled start: 7:15 PM
Immortal Guardian at Angel City Music Hall, Manchester, NH, USA
- Goodbye to Farewells
- Perfect Person
- Echoes
- Ozona
- Aeolian
- Roots Run Deep
Immortal Guardian
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