Jackie Edwards Concert Setlists & Tour Dates

Jackie Edwards
Covered by
The Animals and Friends The Animals The Apemen J. P. Bimeni & The Black Belts Eric Burdon & The Animals David Campbell The Chocolate Watchband Phil Collins Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich Spencer Davis The Spencer Davis Group Julian Dawson Dennis Diken Johnny Dorelli The First Wayne Fontana The Guess Who Dieter Hertrampf The Iveys Tom Kenny & the Hi-Seas The Keytone Cops Heinz Rudolf Kunze Lonely Hearts Marco Mendoza The Nashville Teens The Overtures Pooh THE PRIVATES Rival Rebellion Santana Michael Schenker Björn Skifs Marc Storace The Swinging Blue Jeans Treves Blues Band Steve Winwood Pete York
Artists covered
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