THE PRIVATES Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
- The Privates (Nashville Indie Rock)
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[traditional] The Animals The Beatles Chuck Berry Otis Blackwell John Henry ‘Perry’ Bradford CAROL The Champs The Chantays The Clash Jimmy Cliff The Coasters Willie Cobbs Eddie Cochran Ann Cole with the Suburbans Bo Diddley Willie Dixon Fats Domino Dr. Feelgood The Drifters Bob Dylan The Dynamites Jackie Edwards Graham Gouldman Slim Harpo Dale Hawkins The Heartbreakers Neal Hefti Clarence “Frogman” Henry Buddy Holly Hot Chocolate Buddy Johnson and His Orchestra Robert Johnson The Kinks The Litter The Meters NIAGARA TRIANGLE The Pretty Things Ramones RC Succession Alvin Robinson The Rolling Stones The Roosterz SHEENA & THE ROKKETS Sonhouse The Stooges The Surfaris The Temptations Them Rufus Thomas
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