Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith at Ecliptic Festival 2024
Scheduled start: 5:30 PM
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith at Kings Place Hall One, London, England
Show: 5:30 PM – 7:10 PM
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith at Treefort Music Fest 2023
Scheduled start: 9:10 PM
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith at Starline Social Club, Oakland, CA, USA
- Have You Felt Lately?
- Locate
- Let it Fall
- Is it Me or is it You?
- Check Your Translation
- Pivot Signal
- Unbraid: The Merge
- Then the Wind Came
- There is Something
- Give to the Water
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
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110 people have seen Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith live.
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