Oysterhead Setlists

May 1 2022

Oysterhead at Sweetwater 420 Fest 2022

Set Times:
Show: 8:05 PM – 9:50 PM
  1. Mr. Oysterhead
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. Rubberneck Lions
  4. Little Faces
  5. The Grand Pecking Order
  6. Polka Dot Rose
  7. Army's on Ecstasy
  8. Shadow of a Man
  9. First Tube
  10. Owner of the World
  11. Pseudo Suicide
Jul 3 2021

Oysterhead at Peach Festival 2021

  1. Mr. Oysterhead
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. Rubberneck Lions
  4. Little Faces
  5. The Grand Pecking Order
  6. Polka Dot Rose
  7. Army's on Ecstasy
  8. Shadow of a Man
  9. First Tube
  10. Owner of the World
  11. Pseudo Suicide
Feb 15 2020

Oysterhead at 1st Bank Center, Broomfield, CO, USA

  1. Mr. Oysterhead
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. The Grand Pecking Order
  4. Rubberneck Lions
  5. Whamola & Matterhorn Jam
  6. Shadow of a Man
  7. White Room
  8. Birthday Boys
  9. Little Faces
  10. Polka Dot Rose
  11. Wield the Spade
  12. Radon Balloon
  13. ...
Feb 14 2020

Oysterhead at 1st Bank Center, Broomfield, CO, USA

  1. Little Faces
  2. Mr. Oysterhead
  3. Polka Dot Rose
  4. Radon Balloon
  5. The Grand Pecking Order
  6. Rubberneck Lions
  7. Jam
  8. Shadow of a Man
  9. Army's on Ecstasy
  10. Wield the Spade
  11. Birthday Boys
  12. Oz Is Ever Floating
  13. ...
Jun 16 2006

Oysterhead at Bonnaroo 2006

Set Times:
Scheduled start: 5:30 PM
  1. Little Faces
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. Mr. Oysterhead
  4. Army's on Ecstasy
  5. Radon Balloon
  6. Rubberneck Lions
  7. Shadow of a Man
  8. Birthday Boys
  9. Polka Dot Rose
  10. Pseudo Suicide
  11. Owner of the World
Nov 18 2001

Oysterhead at Stephen C. O'Connell Center, Gainesville, FL, USA

  1. Polka Dot Rose
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. Rubberneck Lions
  4. Shadow of a Man
  5. Owner of the World
  6. Birthday Boys
  7. Pseudo Suicide
  8. Little Faces
  9. Army's on Ecstasy
  10. Wield the Spade
  11. Mr. Oysterhead
  12. Them Changes
Nov 17 2001

Oysterhead at Asheville Civic Center Complex, Asheville, NC, USA

  1. Owner of the World
  2. Polka Dot Rose
  3. Oz Is Ever Floating
  4. Shadow of a Man
  5. Army's on Ecstasy
  6. Wield the Spade
  7. Birthday Boys
  8. Pseudo Suicide
  9. Little Faces
  10. Rubberneck Lions
  11. Mr. Oysterhead
  12. Immigrant Song
Nov 16 2001

Oysterhead at D.A.R. Constitution Hall, Washington, DC, USA

  1. Polka Dot Rose
  2. Oz Is Ever Floating
  3. Little Faces
  4. Shadow of a Man
  5. Radon Balloon
  6. Pseudo Suicide
  7. Rubberneck Lions
  8. Birthday Boys
  9. Wield the Spade
  10. Owner of the World
  11. Army's on Ecstasy
  12. Mr. Oysterhead
Nov 14 2001

Oysterhead at Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, USA

  1. Army's on Ecstasy
  2. Polka Dot Rose
  3. The Grand Pecking Order
  4. Oz Is Ever Floating
  5. Rubberneck Lions
  6. Owner of the World
  7. Shadow of a Man
  8. Birthday Boys
  9. Pseudo Suicide
  10. Mr. Oysterhead
  11. Immigrant Song
Oysterhead setlists


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