Right Now performed by David Cook
- Original Artist Van Halen
- From the release For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (Album)
- Total Plays 9 times by David Cook
- 809 times by 17 artists
- First Played in Concert October 25, 2018 at Old Rock House, St. Louis, MO, USA
- Most Recently Played November 8, 2018 at World Café Live Downstairs, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1 | 2018 |
Plays by Other Artists
- Van Halen 350 times
- Sammy Hagar 224 times
- Sammy Hagar & The Circle 171 times
- Sammy Hagar and the Wabos 30 times
- Black Jacket Symphony 6 times
- Van Hagar 4 times
- Blue Madness 3 times
- Joel Cummins 2 times
- Sledgehammer 2 times
- Rich Wyman 2 times
- Atomic Tom 1 time
- Joey Belladonna 1 time
- DV8 1 time
- Pat Monahan 1 time
- Rolls Rock 1 time
- Frank Solari 1 time