DreyTalquor's setlist.fm

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Instagram dreytalquor


Member since February 21, 2016
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 482
Edits last month 2


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Might have s^potted you in passing but unsure. Jeans vest full of metal patches? :p

Haha, no problem :) loved the Cave In show! Desertfest Ghent by any chance this weekend?

As an attendee you should know what groups you saw in what hall, so please update the information at https://www.setlist.fm/festival/2022/desertfest-belgium-2022-7bd4ca24.html
See the different previous editions.

Next stoner/post/doom festival I'm gonna have to buy you a beer. Probably seen you a couple of times already :p

Thanks for upping the Pelican dunk setlist mate \m/

I didn't know you could change user name. I noticed I received notifications for Desertfest from your old user name and then the new one.
You see mods don't know everything :)

Did you recently change username?

Only mods can delete venues from a festival.
I'll delete the Domzaal.
Thanks again.

Thx for all the desertfest updates man! Cheers!

You need to keep your Share Ratio above 0.25 otherwise you can't download anymore.
Myself I'm not interested in metal but over the years I have downloaded lots of Belgian concerts there, so I can upload these somewhere.
During Xmas time there's a freeleech period on dimeadozen, so you might wait until then to download all you can without having it any influence on your Share Ratio

I don't know if you're a member of dimeadozen, but http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-browse.php?search=desertfest&cat=0&incldead=1&searchscope= has some Desertfest live recordings.
On this site you can find a lot of live or alternate recordings which haven't been released officially.

Thanks for updating the Desertfest.

Hi, scanning or taking pictures of the DF booklets would be great! As there is no other way to know which band played where (no archive.org copies) besides my/our memory.
You can edit them yourself if you want to. The venues/rooms are all present, it's just all of the edits...
We could also divide them between ourselves and maybe even Dirk. He wanted to ask every attendee if they remembered where each show was xD Which seems like a long shot to me :)
With a bit of time, we can fix all of it.

I fixed the DF 2021 setlists for Ghent and Antwerp. I could try to do the same for past years but it will be a pain to find that venue info again. Without bulk edit rights/facilities it is also very tedious and time consuming so this is where my commitment ends for now :D

I was not present, but the desertfest Gent website lists three stages. Fredfield will be able to solve most of it.

Desertfest Trix will be split in three venues by people who know more about it.
It's not because there are mistakes on this website that one has to continue repeating the errors.
This website has been around for more than 10 years, so it's still evolving, keeping in mind suggestions to improve setlist.fm

Hi, as to
> Why do bother to know in which parts of Vooruit Desertfest Ghent takes place when Desertfest Antwerp does not include the 3 rooms (Zaal/Club/Café) where each gigs takes place ?

It is setlist.fm policy to split up setlists per room if the enue / event has multiple ones. It was simply not done that way on DF Antwerp, but I will correct this. Perhaps dirk was a bit too strong to delete your setlists of DF Gent though, because I also want to update those (with correct room) and they were actually at vooruit. Tomorrow, that is, now Samhain fest.
But the DF Antwerp/Ghent thing this year is a bit confusing if you're not up to all of the infos ;) Don't take it badly! Keep up the good work!

I have deleted all your uploads for Desertfest because the source was invalid and most were not linked to the correct venue.

Adding setlist as source is not valid for a concert you're not attending.
And it's still unclear in what part of Vooruit Desertfest is held. So update
https://www.setlist.fm/search?query=editor:Talquor+edited:%5B2021-09-30+TO+2021-10-31%5D or these will be deleted

Would it be possible for you to assign the concerts you attended in KavKa Antwerp to the correct venue either
https://www.setlist.fm/venue/kavka-oudaan-antwerp-belgium-53d3cfa5.html https://www.setlist.fm/venue/kavka-zappa-antwerp-belgium-4bd3cfa6.html
Thanks in advance.

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DreyTalquor saw 565 different artists.