Ells's setlist.fm

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thanks for response, $10 sounds reasonable as parking costs go i was expecting gouging like $50 since not many opts close, my 1st show will be sting i got lucky and got tix, i will also be at the beaches / aces show if u want to MEET up, how many people showed up at ur show, how bad was access to parking lot looks like a big bottleneck
hi, i have some shows coming up at echo lounge music hall, how much r they charging for parking in the mavs center next door, r u aware of any other parking opts close to venue, thanks
just looked thru ur shows, u r the festival king
thanks for response, yes im at the begging stage, im coming out there with no ticket yet, just hoping something works out
hi, looks like ur going to greta van fleet, somehow i missed out on tix, any chance u have 1 extra ticket or connections at hob to help me get in, would really appreciate any help, thanks
i see u went to both jack white also, i enjoyed the sunday show more, but its the combined 2 that makes it complete
hi, a giant dog, new band for me so i didnt know the songs, made notes with key words "i heard' my ears r bad from too many loud shows, then had too listen to their songs and match my mis heard words to lyrics in songs, took a while plus i didnt hear their words well, ur angst song was my ice veins song, but i did have total # songs and knew order by notes
thanks Ells for the RKS setlist...hope you go often to see them!!!
Hello, Ells! Do you know the setlist for FLOW's show in Dallas? Thanks ^^