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Member since July 26, 2015
Last seen April 15, 2024
Edits so far 8776
Edits last month 14


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Would it be possible to use the exact location for this festival instead of the festival name?

According to the English translation from the wikilink someone provided
It's a song about appearance, about things that are never as they seem, about the fact that we shouldn't stop at the exterior, but think that it can also be an optical effect, the so-called fatamorgana in fact. His original title was Light Fever, an expression in which someone tried to translate the title into English, that is "Light fever".
it's not about the fairy but about the phenomenon
VK aka Vaartkapoen already existed as (with aliases VK, V.K. so normally you should have received a warning before creating this that a venue with a similar name already existed in the near neighbourhood)

You seem to have uploaded another festival setlist after I already asked you to use the exact location
In the meantime it's written especially in the guidelines when creating a new venue
Please don't use festival names like Lollapalooza Festival for venues, but rather use the name of the actual venue, e.g. Grant Park in Chicago for this specific example. Also check our festival naming convention for details.
It is your choice not to follow the rules, but this may have consequences.

Would you be able to help with the other festivals you edited?

Can you tell me more about Filago, what's the name of the square or venue where this festival is held. Normally you should or could change these yourself following the guidelines underneath.

Please use exact location or venue for Filagosta festival you created

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