Festmax's setlist.fm

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Member since September 27, 2015
Last seen October 16, 2024
Edits so far 40
Edits last month 0


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Hello, I have an unusual request. I see that you attended Journey's concert in Buffalo, NY on May 1, 1982, and I was wondering, did you happen to record their concert that night, or do you know anyone who did record? If so, please email me at lapitanboys6@gmail.com.

Hey there - I'm finishing up a review of the show for a DC blog and was wondering if I could quote you. Also if you'd like to expound that would be great. I was kind of surprised the band didn't really interact with the audience. Any insights would be great. I can be reached at sanchez.theresa@gmail.com - thanks!

Hey Ranger. Quick question: did you ever send any pics from the Talking Heads show? Thanks in advance!

Thank you! Please send the pics to doug@sandhauslaw.com

Can't wait to see them!

Send me your email account. I need to scan in the pictures and will send a few.