
RoomSmoker's user profile image



Member since July 22, 2015
Last seen July 30, 2015
Edits so far 1
Edits last month 0


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Michi, common sense would tell YOU that after repeated attempts at posting a setlist to an empty one already created that I then posted the setlist in the comments section so that someone like yourself could see what I am trying to post, and, possibly (hopefully) help me post it. Again, I appreciate your assistance, but your reply comments border on imbecilic; and, you've yet to offer any solution whatsoever, but have simply attacked the method that YOU believe that I am using, although I must constantly remind YOU that I followed the site's instructions to the letter. Instead of the constant criticism try offering a real solution, or pass the torch to someone more capable and qualified.


You tried to post the setlist as comment, see e.g. this setlist: click on "Show edits and comments". You have to use the "Edit setlist songs" link to add or edit songs to setlist. In the above mentioned setlists, there weren't any reverts or rejections, just no song edits at all.

Please don't try to post duplicate setlists. If there's already a setlist posted for the concert you're trying to add, then just click "Edit Setlist Songs" on the setlist and add the songs. No need to create a new one. cheers!

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RoomSmoker saw 2 different artists.