
SleeplessBoy's user profile image


Member since April 20, 2011
Last seen February 1, 2025
Edits so far 2372
Edits last month 3


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Hello There!
I seen a edit comment you made on the set-list for Bon Jovi - 1989-07-12 Richmond Coliseum having a recording! I would love to trade you some rare stuff for it!
Here's my email

Hey there,
You mentioned at a setlist change of Bon Jovi in Hampton 1989/2/28 that your source is a live recording of the show. Are you interested in trading some Bon Jovi shows? Really interested in this Hampton one! :)
If so please mail me at bootlegsg @


Hi there,
For what it looks like I’m just missing the encore.
Please send me a mail and we can speak / trade Aerosmith shows. Avanos @

Hi there, I saw your edit for Aerosmith 7/28/90.
You said you have a live record of that show.
I’ve got one as wel but with a different setlist are you willing to exchange the shows?


I badly search Recordings of the MrBig Hammerjacks Shows
I know there were some tapes - hopefully you might be able to help me

DUDE! Great list of shows man, was entertaining to read!

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