
StephenKellogg's user profile image



Member since December 17, 2016
Last seen December 11, 2019
Edits so far 897
Edits last month 0


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Hiya Bart!

Yes will read over the guidelines and see where we're entering in shows wrong. We kept our own data base for years and a few years ago decided to shift over to, but there is still so much that's funky in it all. There are rarely covers at SK shows, but we'll make sure we enter them right. As far as the Stephen Kellogg vs. Stephen Kellogg and the SIxers that's been a new development that really clutters the setlist appearance. Since SK wrote all the songs and is always playing in different formats we'd prefer to see them all as just Stephen Kellogg. Stephen Kellogg 'covering' a Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers song doesn't really make sense. Appreciate you reaching out!

Dale for Team SK

Hi there!
I can see you are quite the authority on Stephen Kellogg (are you him?). You have added a large number of setlists for Stephen Kellogg and Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers. However, I can see the songs played are missing the correct cover tags and in some cases also have incorrect info tags applied.
Please have a read through our guidelines: to ensure future sets are correctly entered.

I'll help you with the batch edits to correct the existing setlists in place, but it would help if you could let us know which songs are to be credited to Stephen Kellogg and which to the Sixers.


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StephenKellogg saw one artist.