
Sue1762's user profile image



Love Queen. What can I say?


Member since September 2, 2019
Last seen April 14, 2024
Edits so far 8
Edits last month 0


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Hi, I saw that you saw queen in Pittsburgh in 1980 and I am curious about how that show was? Also is there any chance you or someone you know took photos or has any audio recordings of the show? If so can you email me Thank you very much!

Hello, I have an unusual request. I see that you attended Journey's concerts in Denver, CO on April 3 and April 4, 1983, and I was wondering, did you happen to record their concert that night, or do you know anyone who did record? If so, please email me at

Hi, sorry for bothering you. I noticed you saw Queen in Detroit in 78 and in Inglewood in 82, and we currently haven’t got a recording from either show. Did you or anyone you know happen to record or take pictures of those gigs? Thanks in advance!

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