electricshock's setlist.fm

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Member since June 10, 2014
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 1030
Edits last month 3


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You didn't create the Sleaford Mods concert, but you asked someone to remove it. The only thing I asked was to ask for deletion on the forum link because the person who uploaded the Sleaford Mods concert can't remove it.
So instead of asking someone who can't remove it post it to the forum.
You also made other comments on setlists which should have been asked on a forum, either to delete the concert.
Same thing for the Feverist concert, if you're sure it's the wrong group, YOU can change it.

A member can't remove setlist. Better ask with the appropriate link at
You have created an entry for Sleaford Mods at Norwich Arts Centre. This is not happening, it is a screening of a documentary film, NOT a concert by the band. If possible please remove this false entry. Thanks.