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Member since July 9, 2011
Last seen April 12, 2024
Edits so far 367
Edits last month 9


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Hello Dirk !
I don't mind if the moderators have time to waste and correct language spellings which do not comply with the rules (that I always try to respect by the way ...).
Moreover when I have some entries corrected for which my spelling is the one that is used by the artist on the cover and lyrics of his own songs.
Look for yourself at Elliott Murphy's eponym album and see that "You Don't Need To Be More THEN Yourself" ...
All the best.

Because all the songtitles you used incorrectly were already used it's better to thick the box Use's autocorrection to resolve typos, missing covers etc. (recommended) so even if you make a mistake it will be autocorrected.
Also we use musicbrainz statistics. Here you see "than" (which is also correct English) is used in the songtitle . That source was also used for the correction.

Hi Patrick! Thank you for your detailed reply! I agree that you're very probably right... It probably wasn't part of the NFML tour then either...
BTW, it wasn't my setlist, I only edited a detail once and have got notifications for it since :-).
I will add a new setlist for that March gig too, so that doesn't get lost.

Hi! I saw that you edited Joss Stone's setlist in Switzerland. Could you please give a source for that? Because you changed both the place and date and now I'm confused. Is this actually a whole different concert? Maybe she played both gigs...

Merci pour la correction sur ma setlist, cela m'évite de chercher dans tous les albums de Bob

I don't know what happened in Maidstone, UK (or will ...) but I attended the Paris gig and it was definitely not on LSD !