
tvelasco489's user profile image



Member since July 30, 2022
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 674
Edits last month 0


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"Would you please stop commenting?"
Moderators will stop commenting when you follow the editing guidelines on this site.

We don't add set start and end times based on what they were for other concerts on the tour, show the artists played recently.
We add them when attendees confirm what time the show actually ended.
Please stop adding these set end times with the source "copying for the times that matches for the going out"

Since you still won't provide sources despite multiple warnings and continue to add songs before shows happens your editing privileges have been revoked so let me know when/if you decide to red the Guidelines and follow them and we will decide whether or not to restore them.

Please stop adding songs to concerts that haven't happened yet and marking yourself as and marking yourself as an attendee to bypass the need to provide sources or your editing privileges will be revoked

User charts

tvelasco489 saw 43 different artists.