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Member since September 8, 2011
Last seen March 17, 2024
Edits so far 42
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Legend, thank you for clarifying re 7M3’s Cumbersome & Dear Mr Fantasy.

Even better, was Cumbersome played in full? If it was, then it’s not a true medley. If both songs were played partially *and* without a break between, then it is a true medley by this site’s definition.

Hi there, I see you were at 7M3 at the Hard Rock in Tampa. Do you remember if Cumbersome and Dear Mr. Fantasy were played together in a medley or did they play the full version of DMF? Thanks. If you can post the photo of the setlist on the 7M3 Facebook group even better.

Hey there! I see that you were at this Red Hot Chili Peppers show in 2000! This setlist is empty, and I was wondering if you happened to remember any of the songs that they played? If so, please get back to me so I can fill the setlist out. Thank you! :)

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