DanielDeronda's setlist.fm

DanielDeronda's user profile image



Member since June 17, 2011
Last seen March 27, 2024
Edits so far 864
Edits last month 0


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Thanks for the response.
Everybody can edit date & group for a setlist.
When there's too many possible artists in the list, an option is to use the mbid 60423dde-5eb4-45ed-a1e0-830581bb040a to change it.

Just put the source in the comment section so I can delete the tag where the source is being asked.

You need to put the source on the setlist page not on your profile page.

Please add a source for the setlists you upload, enough fake news around.

User charts

DanielDeronda saw 253 different artists.