EdwardGeorgeB's setlist.fm

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Member since October 2, 2011
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 273
Edits last month 11


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I'll take those.i guess, imma keep on looking

I've been looking for one for like 3 years, please

one more thing if it's not too much to ask, do you have a recording of that song being performed at the Big Birthday Tour in Canberra November? I didn't get a recording even though I tried. from one fan to another?

thanks, sorry I just have seen that song get accidentkey listed before. it's also like my 2nd favorite wiggles song. sorry for being a pain

look I'm gonna have to remove jt from the set list if I don't see it cause I talked to some other people and they swear it wasn't there

may I please see the footage?

may I see the footage to verify?

Are you sure Wags The Dog he Likes To Tango was live at the Wiggles Elevate? I went to the first concert and it wasn't there.

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EdwardGeorgeB saw 31 different artists.