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Member since January 22, 2014
Last seen June 29, 2022
Edits so far 302
Edits last month 0


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Hey! Did you film while at the 1997 Michael Jackson concert? If not, I get that.

wooow lucky!! On the Roof & Cold War are some of my favorite tracks! always cool finding people that saw bands before they blew up

hi IrisA

I saw that you attended The Antlers show at Plush in 2009 and added the setlist

did u manage to grab the setlist after the show or did you record any of the concert? I ask because the song 'on the roof' was played. they stopped playing most of the material from their previous album in the middle of 2008, so it's really cool u got to see such a rare song live

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IrisA saw 342 different artists.