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About pettybyrne


Member since January 30, 2016
Last seen December 17, 2023
Edits so far 68
Edits last month 0


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Look at the statistics for the song you incorrectly wrote 35 times with 'on'
twice with 'On'
So because of your edit the song appears twice in the statistics.
It should read 37 times performed, not 2 times and 35 times.

bq. So are we instructed to use incorrect spelling, punctuation and capitalization from Musibrainz even when we have the album and know musicbrainz is wrong? This is what is confusing me.

We are using musicbrainz spelling. If songtitles are mostly written in lots of ways over there, that's not our problem.

bq. Your standards for setlists say to look at the song title on the album cover first for accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, which is exactly what I did. Then it was incorrectly changed so I changed it back to the correct song title and provided proof.

Are you saying we should be posting the incorrect song titles on Setlists to comply with capitalization standards because in the future there is a small chance it could potentially be changed on a compilation album? I can do that but I thought this site was dedicated to being accurate and changing song titles is not accurate.

For statistics we use musicbrainz, so that's the rule we follow. You may notice songtitles are sometimes written in a lot of different ways on that site, but we're not responsible for people not following the rules over there, or people having responsibility over there not forcing users to follow instructions.

bq. Hello, I am responding to the comment you left on my board. I do understand the capitalization guidelines. However, isnt the goal to get the song title correct the way it is on the album? Not every artist follows the capitalization guidelines and I provided the below picture of the album to show the artist capitalizes the word “On”. Are we supposed to change the actual title to meet the capitalization guidelines? Artists purposefully misspell words. Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo don’t use capital letters in their song titles sometimes. The goal should be accuracy to the album not correct grammar.

As said below, what if that song appears on a compilation album later on without a capital On?
You are correct about Billie Eilish and others, but they choose a particular way to write ALL their songtitles.


I notice you have problems with the guidelines concerning capitalisation on here.
To have these harmonised we use for the statistics.
If in future one of the songs will be written in another way on e.g. a compilation there will be problems.
Thanks for understanding.