
Nightslasher13's user profile image



Member since January 30, 2012
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 951
Edits last month 100


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Nice. If you follow GenericDragonForceFan you'll see some nice treats your way (I manage that channel now).

Oh ok! I would be interested in the videos of Progpower. Could you perhaps mail them to me @

Also, maybe you have some stuff in better quality than I do. If you could mail me a list of what you have, that would be cool!

Hey, have you perhaps checked for the old DF stuff you had? I would be very interested!

Hey man, have you had a chance to check for any old DF stuff you had?

Hey, do you have any DF stuff yourself that you can share with me? :D

Better question man, do you have Discord? It might be easier to communicate there.

What's your email man? We can talk about DragonForce there. I have a lot of interesting stuff to share, I'm buddies with this guy:

It would be awesome, if you don't mind.

How did you know that Vadim played Guitar on Evil that Men Do?

User charts

Nightslasher13 saw 72 different artists.