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Member since June 9, 2015
Last seen December 27, 2023
Edits so far 201
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Just saw your comment, yeah, we've been to the festival, we are indeed from Czech, me and my friends love to travel to the Netherlands to see our favs :)

Nogmaals gebruik exacte locatie voor Worstenfeesten en Summer Jam
Please use exact location or venue following the guidelines at
In the meantime when you create a new venue there's a specific warning not to use the festival name as venue
Please don't use festival names like Lollapalooza Festival for venues, but rather use the name of the actual venue, e.g. Grant Park in Chicago for this specific example. Also check our festival naming convention for details.

Gebruik alstublieft exacte locatie in plaats van festivalnaam voor de Worstenfeesten
Zelfde voor Summer Jam

I just seen the comment you left, and, yeah, I'd take that project of putting "Chester's final live performance" at those songs.

Already added the behemoth setlist. Its complete and correct. Blow your Trumpets Gabriel wasnt played. have fun at graspop

I can't help you with Hatebreed setlist, because i am a new fan. But the first song they played in Copenhagen is not released yet. It will be release later this year.

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