
Abcd1234567890's user profile image



Member since June 22, 2021
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 2095
Edits last month 16


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A link to your source is required.
"Greg Barnes channel" doesn't help verify your edit.
Every social media posted video, every playlist, and every channel has a SHARE link you can copy and paste.
Please paste links to your sources.

Wonderous ways is the proper name of the song is just a statement and might be obvious to you
"Be sure to explain why you edited the setlist. Don't explain what you've edited as this is obvious to the viewer." is a wiki-effort, and it is important for us all to be
****as transparent and clear as possible in sharing information. ****
To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comment with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.

You're so nice!! If you want to talk with me better, call me on instagram. My username is @well_luigi :)

Hey man (or woman)! So happy I found someone to help posting Sia setlists correctly. Good job and thank you! Where are you from? Greeting from Brazil

Hi there,
It seems no live performance has done from the source you linked.
I mean it should not be posted on this site as it is. So, I will delete the setlist soon, unless you will provide valid evidence of live performance quickly.

It's not because is listed somewhere on a website, it happened. As you may be aware, most of Europe were on a lock down last year. So please report this setlist Tobe deleted

Hi there,
This does not seem a streamed live performance from the twitter source you linked.
I mean it just streamed pre-recorded demo and it should not be posted on this site as it is.
So, I will delete the setlist, unless you will provide valid evidence of live performance quickly. :-)