
Attended Concerts
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Hi there,
I noticed you wrote “.............”, “Setlist for Japan shows”, “KAI Japan Special Live 2023”, etc. on your edit comments. These are not the source of your edits and needless to state. is a wiki-effort, and it is important for us all to be as transparent and clear as possible in sharing information. To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comments with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.
Hey, please don't edit Scarlxrd's song titles. The way they're written down on his setlists is the way he intended to stylize them. That includes the periods at the end of all of the songs from "INFINITY" as well as the singles released before it. Thanks.
tour stylization edit done.