ahiru's setlist.fm

Attended Concerts
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Hey! Saw you were at the Dispatch/OAR show this week — do you happen to remember who plays first?
Hi by any chance do you have a recoding of the S. Hoffs Largo Coronet show that you attended in 2016? I am a major collector and have a ton to trade
your stats are amazing!!
Oh, and I saw your PWT set list, and I just wanna check, they didn't play "Sunlight" or "Broken Record?" BR I understand but they usually play "Sunlight"
It does help. Thank you so so so much!!
Hi, I saw you went to the Plain White T's concert recently, and I was wondering if you could tell me what the band line up was? Like, which band played first, second, etc? I would REALLY appreciate it!!
Remember any of HAIM’s songs from the Friday night show? Don’t have to be complete or in order