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Member since November 27, 2014
Last seen March 15, 2024
Edits so far 24
Edits last month 0


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Hi! I saw that you attended at some Robbie Williams concerts. I would like to know if you have bootlegs/recording gigs of him? I have lot since 1997 (from audience, radio, tv), if you want to trade the files.

Thanks :)

I'm looking for a video of the monsters of rock 1984 concert of Van Halen. I was the US G.I. that was thrown up on stage by my drunk buddies. I'm dying to see the second time when the same bouncer came at me and I turned around and dove back into the stage. The first time David Lee Roth look at me and said get the F off my stage pal. do you have any contacts that may have access to a video? I have seen small portions of it but can't find the full video. Thank you.


Since you were present at could you please change the venue to the exact location. Could it be Hauptplatz in Schwechat?

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