
noireau299's user profile image

About Vernus
Instagram bastienver299

Mon bonheur = un max de concerts.
Post-rock, post-métal, post-hardcore, post-punk, post-post, shoegaze, blackgaze and shit...


Member since May 10, 2018
Last seen April 17, 2024
Edits so far 1602
Edits last month 6


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Tu vas voir les Cowboys Fringants le 27? Je les ai vu hier avec ma soeur. C'était la cinquième fois que je les voyais. J'avais aussi assisté à la réception pour le lancement de leur dernier album. Selfies avec Karl et Marie-Annic.

I noticed you uploaded all Dunk Festival 2021 setlists on the day they were broadcast.
These were all changed to venue dunk!studios by camole
According to there was only 7 to 10 minutes in between two sets, so I doubt these were broadcast live.
For future information we use the *recording* date on

I am deleting the setlist you created for the Pink Floyd "Live at Pompeii" performance as it was not really a concert and was filmed over four days. It has been added and deleted before so it's no big deal. I imagine it will be added again in the future.

User charts

noireau299 saw 223 different artists.