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Hi rhinowing, I see you have posted a lot of Labradford setlists on this site. Do you have recordings of those gigs you could share by any chance?
you can email me at (my user name) @ Yahoo dot com
What Lolla 2007 performances are you looking for?
Could you share with everyone a source for your adding the songs to ?
Please use exact location or venue following the guidelines at
Please use exact location or venue for Electromar Festival following the guidelines at
THANKS for the help on the Smashing Pumpkins New Orleans 1993 show. Its always a pleasure hearing from the other members of our community with help on these shows!!!
+ Wilco at Melkweg?
Since October 27, 1995 the venue Melkweg in Amsterdam has two main rooms/halls. What was previously known as the Melkweg's main hall, was renamed Oude Zaal (old room) or OZ as it is called nowadays:
On the mentioned date a larger hall opened under the name The Max (nowadays
just Max):
Would you be able as visitor to change the venue for the Wu-Tang Clan setlist from just Melkweg to the correct hall?
Please use exact venue or location for Traffic Festival following the guidelines at
please use exact location or venue for Jazz Festival you created
Please use exact venue or location for øyafestivalen
Hey there rhinowing! Do you have Hum - Empty Bottle, Chicago, IL - 12/31/1994? I've been looking everywhere for this, along with any other older show, and since you put up the date/set list I wanted to ask.
Thanks for updating the APC @ Adelaide setlist!
Yeah for sure! Email that Birthmark recording to me at and I'll do my best to ID that last song
Sure, I can digitize the Smashing Pumpkins tape. Let me know if you have any ideas where/how I should make it available.
Sorry, but the tortoise show in Losheim 1998 definitely took place on saturday. I saw them though I wasn't there on friday (don't know why there's a show listed in Aachen here the same day). Never mind :p
Saw you mentioned you had a tape of the Bob Mould show from rose bowl. Any way you could share if self recorded? Or point to source? Thanks!