
szymmirr's user profile image



Member since March 7, 2018
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 511
Edits last month 10


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My setlists are being reverted too. Either we are being blacklisted and not told or it's a joke. Hopefully the more sort this!

Were you making edits without sources that prove the edit?
I'll look into it over the next few days, but that is usually the reason.

Cheers, I have just realised that there's a list of admins and mods on the bottom of the FAQ page but thanks anyway

Know of any admins I could contact?

Even the guy who reported me is concerned about why my edits are getting reverted

Yeah, it’s hidden your comments and suspects that they are spam. If that’s the case for me then let me know. But yeah it’s annoying. I get reported once and then I get treated like a sub-human whatever seemingly without any chance of redemption

Thanks for that
Good to know
I will add the note

I saw you added the setlist for BTBAM 2001 show. (Wilmington, NC)
Are you postivie this is correct date and venue?
I have seen this footage before but venue/date is not listed on the footage.
Thanks, Dr. Al

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