yyzed's setlist.fm
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Cool, thanks! Is it available anywhere?
Hi there. Good to see that you are a big Fixx fan!
Just one question: I saw them at the Tacoma Dome in 1983. I notice that you entered that setlist. Just out of curousity, what was the source for that? The setlist sounds credible from what I remember (40 years ago!), but it would be nice to know where it came from.
Obviously you are a huge fan of The FIXX. As for recording any of their show, unfortunately no. Just a song here or there on my old Canon camera.
I definitely don't have anything from the 1983 show. I'll have to check for the 2018 Reach The Beach Anniversary show.
Apparently I have 35 minutes of The Fixx from the 27-May-1991 show where they opened for The Alarm. Tape is not great quality. I may have missed a song or two, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for info about encore formatting. I'll do better. Norman
My Email is <freemone233@comcast.net>. Thank you.
Do you still want to trade recording from The Tin Pan? Let me know.
Please use exact location or venue for LVCC Summer Fair Chicago following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl
The Police Picnic (3) was 1983. Yes you are correct, Secret Separation came a bit later. thanks!
Hi there R U certain that "Secret Separation" wan't played at the Police Picnic? Based on your history, I believe you!!
Hello, I notice you've got a lot of info regarding the Fixx. I attended a Fixx show in the gymnasium at SUNY Cortland in Cortland, NY, sometime between Fall of 1985 and Fall 1986 (or thereabouts) ... can you help find the exact date?
I saved the set list from the stage.