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About BIKER69


Member since December 9, 2015
Last seen April 7, 2024
Edits so far 384
Edits last month 0


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Why should the artist statistics NOT work?

The fact is that I sit here in my spare time and make the effort to write a setlist! The fact is, the stories between the songs work (see the links to MY videos on YouTube)!

So where is the problem now? I also want the clicks on my YouTube channel to increase! If not MY videos are lied to the songs, then at least with the stories! Live and let live...

Talk between songs are not....songs. With all stories made up as separate lines, the artist statistics does not work. It is You who does not use the site correctly! Follow the instructions to the right When You edit something. I try do do things correct...You should not cut off my head for doing that!

Why did you delete my setlist & also the stories !? I find the USER here have a right here & NO censorship!

I complete the set list whenever I upload the video to YouTube. So please be patient!

Will You finish the setlist for the Tito & Tarantula concert? They must have played After Dark as well?